
Munich, a must see

Munich gets 9 out of 10 a great movie.

When I go watch a movie that is based on true events I really want it to make me think. When I say think I mean placing myself in that situation and asking my self "what would I do here???".

I must say at one point I was thinking, when is this thing going to end. It is a good 2 1/2 hours. I feel some parts may have been cut short without affecting the message that was given or more like the persentation of the situation.

I definetly harm the killing of those innocent Israelis who were brutally murdered at gunpoint at the airport, Munich.

But what I dont get is what the jews were complaining about in this film. But then again I didnt understand the complaint about the "Passion" either. I would like some kind of short explanation if anyone has it available.

Tonite is the celebration of the final member of the DYC crew finishing his patho exam. Congtats Teggie ...
Will have to bring the camera along for this one, it is likely situation to be getting out of hand. Even though I just arrived back from the gym for the second time today, I got a reserve tank for celabrations like these..

And this cat is in some great form for the Slovenia trip... watch the fuck out !!!




Yes, my face is as smooth as a baby´s ass right now, just got home from my facial. I seem to keep finding things to do. I dont know why I didnt figure this facial luxury out earlier. Well first of all because I propably thought it was gay ! But now once im overly secure about me sexuality I can pretty much do whatever I want to. Second of all I didnt really know what went on at these cosmetic salons?? and third of all I wasnt into treating myself with such luxury, but boy has that philosophy changed... ;)

I set my alarm for the first time this morning and didnt even snooze that much. Had already planned to go to the gym early, was thinking of training twice a day. But that may be a little extreme. Its refreshing to start the day with a jogg, almost as good as the morning sex.

I took the "Foxes" lecture book to Kenezy Hospital, what a zoo that is, to get a signature. Sure enough no one was there to sign so I have to go back. But its amazing, only the fox could manage to take the longest time for his exams and not get all the signatures...


5 days till Slovenia


Killing time

Yeah, its amazing to have so much time on your hands. But I must say that im getting used to it quickly. It has been a lot of hangin on the internet and sleeping, which is understandable after the 3 weeks of hard studying.

Now I just count the days until Slovenia trip, that is going to be a blast...

Last nite I had quick run around town, Lovarda, Joy and the El T. Not much going on just haveing a beer with Tegh Sandhu since he was just back in town.

Tonite is looking like the movie Munchen, will give my honest report on that a.s.a.p



Sweet Days

Yeah my life has been much of relaxing after my success in the Pathology exam. Im guessing the hardest part would have to be nursing hangovers, that is 2 out of the 3 days I was hurting.

some pics from celebrations

mojito party @ helgi´s place

Well this one speaks for itself

well in the groove

This morning I was reminded of how good it feels not be hungover. Got up at 8 to go help Begga with her autopsy. I can confidently say that the autopsy room, basically just a bloody gutted up morgue, is not exactly a place that Begga would like to calls home. Or in fact im sure that she will not be returning back there upon completion of Pathology, thats for sure...

Now Im just doing those little things to keep my busy. You know gym, shopping, drinking and thermal.



My life is a Treat..

Yes, ladies and gentlemen my life is a treat. Today I just finished my 5th semester of medical school with style. Pathology was the final exam of this semester and I had my worries going in. But yet again I proved to myself that I can do anything I set my mind to.

The first step was the crucial one, after the written part I was really worried about the outcome. Was in no way sure that I had reached the minnimum requirement. During the wait I even broka a window in the patho department, on accident of course. It just couldn´t handle my weight when I leaned on it. Not that im a fat ass, quite the opposite.

Then the Autopsy part, i really shined, I had put in a lot of workm and it payed off. Then I head upstairs, do my slide and pull some ok topics to represent... Finally I rolled away with 3 out of 5 a real happy camper.. So im done. now I have 10 days to do just what I please before going on my annual snowboarding trip, this year to Slovenia,,,

here are some pics from today

first the preparation; I always look as sharp as possible and tell myself "its hard to fail a guy looking like this" and today it was the funeral black and white

then the aftermath of passing the damn thing:

in front of pathology

my komrad; Helgi, we stuck through this together

little 50 kicked ass too...

now all i have to do is kill time until the snowboarding trip, which I think I will manage. Even though I don´t think I have ever had this long of a vacation without working. Hard work pays off.....

almost a doctor,


Careful what you wish for...


One Day until Patho

Yeah, its comming close to game time. I actually wish that I could just go 2mro to get it over with already. I have been studying 13 days straigh for this thing, hardly leaving the houst to go sweat it out at the gym. Which by the way is the Highlight of the day.

The feeling I have is not like back in the day before big football games, where I would play the game in my head before it ever happened. Cause here there are these X factors that seem to be out of your control.

And quite franlkly to spend this amount of time and money on the thing you care most about and not be able to secure your way is unthinkable.

On the other hand, if im feeling the stess as such I dont know how the rest feels. Cause I have this plausible amount of carelessness that floats me through sometimes.

Im sure I will be able to pull something out of my ass when put on the spot, but its going to be interesting to see how far that gets me this time..


Crazt Friday

Not really, this friday was much like all the days lately or the last 14 to be precise. Just another day of studying for the patho exam.

I can say that im getting better at memorizing the topics, but realistically there is no way that im going to know too too much. So that aspect of it is going to make it even more interesting.

My concentration level has been decreasing, as im getting more tired of this. That is i can only sit for shorter and shorter intervals before getting up and doing something that I shouldnt do.

So friday nite, studied till 9 and then splurged on a movie at 10. A damn good one too.

8,5 I give it. Has some nice little twist where you just go "shit, didnt see that comming"
also the first time I have ever seen Jenn Aniston play any other character than "Rachel" in friends. And my boy Clive Owen, super job again, just keeps his cool from his role as the Doctor in "Closer"....

After the movie it was down to Saxaphone for one beer, I mean it was a friday night. Oh boy, that was like a tall glass of water in the Sahar desert. ended up being 2 before jumping into a cabby for the short ride home.



Guest number 3000

Yes, ladies and gentlemen the long awaited guest number 3000 has been located. It is no other then my beloved friend, Ingvar Sverrirson a.k.a the fox, ezustroka, and foam machine.

here is my picturesque salute to lucky guest #3000

fox in slovakia 2005'

poker nite 2005

Slovakian Club 2005'

Snowboarding casualty Slovakia 2005'

Slovakia 2005'

On top of Slovakia 2005'

The "fox" sign patened by the fox himself

Milano subway with Hanna 2004'

Long forgotten kissing contest 2004'

What a friend and lucky number 3000, give it up to my main fox, Ingar Sverrisson



3000 guest is just a click away !!!

I noticed that the count is up arond 3000, so now my biggest challenge is not to be the 3000 one... which is going to be hard, cause i have to click to check the status.

I guess I will just wait until 2mro to find out who the lucky winner is...

word of the day: "contretemps - unforseen event that disrupts the normal course of things; an inoppurtune occurence."

This word is what best describes the Pathology test I will be taking on the 24 of this month. There are too many X factors that can´t be avoid, or will bring contretemps.

I bought myself one of thos word a day calendars for x-mas and really love the little bugger...


p.s. # 3000 make sure to comment, even if you are 3001 and no one has comment the price is up for graps. You will not be dissapointed with the reward !!!


Who will be guest # 3000 ???

In the recent event of my little nation achieving the gargantuan population number of 300,000 people. Quite the number for us Icelanders but a speckle of sand for the rest of the world

But I wouldn´t say that to any Icelander, since we are the smallest super power in the world according to them. Well then again we did fight nature for survival, the King of Norway and Denmark were walkovers compared to the freezing cold.

In any event, who ever it might be the lucky # 3000 guest be sure to comment !!!

Prices will be distributed accordingly...



Kjötsúpa og Jenga

Well tonite my evening of enjoyment was packed with excitement. We here at O.C. were invited over to Kristíns for some icelandic Kjötsúpa (úr laugarási). Really nice to get my molars on some iclenadic sheep, even though this is the lowest quality meat in iceland.

On that note, Péter Mólnar our hungarian alliance found the kjötsúpa to be better than the Hangikjöt served at Christmas. Those who know a hungarian will definetly see the humor in this..

Then the excitement, a couple of games of Jenga, jenga, jenga...

and here is a nice little view of Joakims new look, and No he has not turned to muslim religion and is not going to be stampeded in mecca. He just bumped his head on a trash can, late last night....

you can check out some video @ petermolnar.com


p.s. and I wish Kristín a safe trip to China, to pay to be some monks bitch for 2 months, i wish she would have offered this to me...


All days the same

Now that Im studying for the Pathology all days have become the same. Only difference is how many days until the exam.
Here is the recipe;
wake up

and sometimes something crazy like going to the movies at night.

Like tonite for example, I went to go see "Domino", some bounty hunter movie with Mickey Rourke (that guy is lived) and Kiera Knightingly (she makes a great bounty huntre, Not).
Basically I was just glad to be out of the house, but there is no need to see this movie again...

r.mar rates it 6.5 out of 10 possible
pros: Kiera is pretty hot
cons: the picture is shot in a fast cut style which I just get tired of watching and paying attention too


Internal Medicine, check

Exam session took off a little slow, studying wise that is. I was just not in the mood to hit the books after that traveling horror.

But I successfully completed the Internal exam last tuesday. I had one of the professors, who really made it a point to me that I had not been to the lectures. To be precise he told me 4 times how much the question I could not answer was covered in the lectures. I with my incredible rescue skills was able to pull out of the line of fire with a couple of good answers that i pulled out of my ass, as I often do at these critical moments.

Now its all about patho, Helgi and I have cooked up a plan and are sticking to it. All days are going to be the same and I have no idea what day it, just how many days until the exam. Im not to worried about it, the plan is good and you just got to trust it ...



2006 to my Health

Yes, some one rudely pointed out that I will be turning 27 this year. I have not put much thought into it, well since I met this younger girl I have been doing a little mathematics. Bottom line seems to be that I dont care that much about what others think so all I have to do is convince myself... not that hard to do.

my motto here "if it feels good and you are haveing fun, keep doing it.."

So for this realization I have decided to step it up a notch and use this to my advantage. Oh, some times I can be so positive that it pisses others off. But here is the plan

1. eat healthier than ever in the new year
2. excercise and enjoy carving into better shape
3. open eyes for younger girls, they can be fun
4. use lots of creams and get facials (very metrosexual)
5. use sunscreen to stay wrinkle free (i knew this white skin would come in handy one day)

Now, once these 5 things have been successfully applied to my life, I will look and feel young forever and no one can say a damn thing about it.


p.s. wish me luck on the Internal Medicine Exam tomorrow and if anyone has any more keeping young secrets please share or comment


Travel Horror

Yes, my trip back to Hungary was not the smoothest of events. I have needed to cool of for some time before writing this.

Here goes; initial travel plan was pretty good, leave iceland in the moring and arrive at my house in debrecen that evening. What should have been a nice little trip with my friend Joakim.

Well it sure wasn´t, first of all the Iceland Express flight (whose services I will not use in the future) was cancellled or delayed for so long that it became the afternoon flight. Which meant that we missed our connection in Copenhagen.

So then came finding the alternate route back to hungary, I personally was ready to go back to my house and just put off the trip for some days, had good reason to stay longer in Iceland !!!

End up finding a way through London standsted with minnimal financial setback, but it was going to cost a night at the airport. Which at the time didnt sound that bad, I mean we are signed up for a test on Tuesday so we had to get moving.

Sure enough the flight to London is delayed 1 hour, iceland express again, so we arrive at around 8:30. Which meant that we had 13 hours to kill befor our flight to budapest. So we find a restaurant eat and start ordering beers. That star burned out early where alchohol was only serverd to 11:00, so that party was over.

We move to the waiting are, which by the way was packed full of bums that were waiting for morning flights. We try to get comfortable, but those hand rests are welded on so there is no reasonable way to get comfortable.

Helgi gets fed up with the situation and goes to check on a hotel. They wanted 130 pounds for the nite and we were not ready to swing that. Helgi opens his bag pulls out a towel and a scarf and makes himself a bed on the floor. At that point im as comfortable as its going to get. 10 mins later all of Helgis 187 cm rise up and say "I am no homeless hippie bum that sleeps at airports, there has got to be something better than this ..." and he walks off. Then suddenly he returns wiht a smile on his face, saying that he has a solution. At that point im all ears. "we rent a car and sleep in it !" and so we did

We pile our bags into the fiat Uno, lean back the seat, heat it up and sleep for about 5 hours. Upon returning the keys, I say "oh by the way its in the same spot", the first rent a car I have rented without even putting it in gear...

We end up safe and sound in Debrecen, finally, dead tired...




A whole new year is here and a good new year eve just passed. I must tell the bad news right away and that is no pictures will be loaded up on this page, for the simple reason there are none existing.

Stupid camera didnt work, I was all cool pulling out the digital and nothin happend. Kinda sucks, since I had already promised a good view of the beuatiful women that run around this island. But i was reminded that this is true on my night out adventures.

So basically I was lucky to get 2 nites out, just happend that news years was on saturday, so that made friday game on also. I was much like an icelandic cow that was being released from the barn in spring time. I had been working everyday since i got home, and was quite ready to get out and party.

Partying here in iceland, is gently put, hard core. The places dont seem to close and people dont wanna go home until the wee hours of the morning. I can truly understand why visitors to this country are caught of guard to see this behavior...

So two enjoyable nights out and the bank account to prove it. I finally dared to check out my bank account to check out the damage and just laughed. NO transfer below kr. 1500 (which is a great meal out in debrecen). but I couldnt care less, I was even quoted saying

"this one offered to you buy LÍN" or more appropriately "þetta er allt í lagi, þessi er í boði LíN"

LÍN which is my loan fund...

happy new year to all
róbert mar