
Old Years Ball

Yes, ladies and gentlemen the boy is gonna go out for the first real time this x-mas break tonite. I went out for a short while my first nite but had a morning shift overhangin, so I had to limit the amount of alcohol, cause I was not going to show up hungover my first day on the job. Then again a job at a nursing home is no place to be hungover period!!!

Enough of that cause I dont work again until the 02 jan. And a well deserverd break indeed.

I will be taking the camera out tonite so expect to see some pics soon from this nite...

If my condition is serious tomorrow I will not put them up until the new year, in that case Happy New Year to everyone, specially those who read this and actually know me...



New pics from last summer

I just found these pics on my computer here in iceland, some that i had forgotten about. I figured I publish them before the new year.

Here are some from the fishing trip to Þingvellir

Doesnt Ester Tejfölsson just look a natural ???


Just a handful of pics from the little X-mas

you got to love that dog, Elvis !!!


X-mas in Iceland

Christmas here in Iceland has been quite good, I have not weighed myself yet to see the progress, but lots of good eats. It is really nice to be home with family, even though it is small. My brother, mom and dog do the j0b real nicely.
I have been working everyday almost since I got home, sometimes Im really kicking myself in the ass for agreeing to all these shifts. I guess I will emjoy this sacrifice when I receive my paycheck next month... bling bling

It is getting weirder and weirder to come home each year. I calculated this time that I have actually spent 8 1/2 years in USA and now in my third year in Hungary. So that adds up to 11 1/2 years spent abroad. Subtracting that from 26 (my age now) gives 15 1/2 years and of which 10 are spent at a young age where I dont really remember much.

That leaves 5 1/2 years of adult/teenage years in Iceland

That basically answers the question and thank the natural sciences for mathematics !!!



Airport Romance

My new travel fetish is to find a partner while traveling. It is a funny situtation, because most people travel alone they are more suseptible to one time friends. Most people understand where im comming from. Before starting med school in hungary i traveled quite a bit since my parents were in school in the usa.

Now that I myself am a student overseas and travel back home frequently I have developed a stratetgy to have fun when i travel.

For example, last time i traveled back to hungry i met this beautiful swedish model. Who i have kept in touch with since. People are just more open and more available because most people travel alone. So i have made it a point to pick someone up while traveling...

wish me luck.... like I need it... ????


p.s. look forward to being back in hungary next year...


Competition Completed

Well no more school this year, wow that sounds great. I did the autopsy competition this morning and it was quite interesting.

Personally I was really pleased with my cutting if you will. There was really no fault in my work but once Szölloszi showed up in the end, waited 30 mins, it was short and sweet. Show me adrenal glands, pancreas, hepatic duct, and one whats this ?

It was all over....

Not to mention that the body I was working on was an elderly man with Chronic Lymphoblastic Leukemia. For those of you that dont get the medical jargon, we are talking about a serious long lasting Cancer of the bone marrow and the resulting effects. This case had serious metastasis and the whole body was infiltrated.

Not to mention the liver which weighed 3.5 Kg instead of 1.5 usual. And the spleen was 10 times the normal size of 150 g weighing up to 1.5 kg. Yeah just imagine tumbling that around on the autopsy table...



Autopsy Competition

Who would have thought that cutting dead people could ever become a competition. But tomorrow is going to be the day, maybe not an essential step in becomming a doctor. But they got me with the word "competition".

Lucky for me I actually whent to practice this morning, it was a little bit harder than i imagine. Then again i have this problem of seeing everything as a walk in the park. You can just imagine the pros and cons of that perspective.

I faced my biggest fear today and removed the pelvic complex, not a very pretty sight. Now that is over i have a chance tomorrow.

Then anyone who knows anything about the Patho department at Debrecen Univ. knows that the results of this is all at the hands of a Dr. Szöllöszi.



3 years in Hungary...

I can´t belive that im half way through the 3 year here in Hungary, time is seriouly flying. And all i know up to this point is every minute detail about cells, biological reactions and the human body. Im sure that will pay off some day.

But to recognize this I would like to throw in a few pics for your viewing pleasure from these years spent here..


PreTest Ritual

It seems that going out before tests has becoma some kind of ritual. That is since almost every test has been on a thursday this semester and wednesday a good time to go out, kinda of a mid week break.

Or since studying everyday can become quite dull its a great event just to get your mind of things.

Last nite was a funny one though, Babycakes, the Fox and myself were looking for some action and ended up at closed doors at both Lovarda and Bazis. SO much for "Minden Szerdan" at Lovarda. Upon further research it came to light that the Rektor of Lovarda (law & economics) had closed down lovard because it was getting to close to exam...

We end up at Agriculture University where the house is packed... Good nite indeed..



Damn Depatments at school

As I am continously in the prepartion for going home to Iceland I started to think how good it would be home just to realize all of the good things here in Hungary. Cause lets face it when you are sitting in the shit you dont realize the things around you.

Then Joakim commented "Well actually I just like most of the things here, Im more taking a break from the patho department".

I thought to myself, just how true those words were. I had it up to here with those guys, who are they to take a perfectly good subject like Pathology and manipulate it, blackmailing the student body into private lessons for benifits and looking the other way when all cultures get together and cheat on the test.

The only time I ever see these different cultures and nationalities get along at school is during National Food Day and to cheat on Pathology.



All Comming to an End

This semester is comming to an end and I feel this one was faster than the rest. Time really shoots by here in hungary. Im starting to see it more and more what a sacrifice going to med school is. All i do is go to school and study, then all the sudden its Christmas...

Funny event happened at school. I was in the psychology department, which is quite the cirkus, which as the second worst location next to Basic Surgery Techniques. I brought my lecture book just in case I could get my psychology signature. I grabbed the head proffessor in the halway and he provided his "John Hancock". then to the office to get my grade for the class. I find out that i only got a 3/5, was not to pleased and the lady was asking me if I wanted to come for an improvement.... I was thinking about it and decided to do so, as Im leaving the office i take a quick 180° turn and say slap it in the book. I dont want to make another trip out here...

She was quite dissapointed but did as she was asked to do...

róbert mar


Feministar, ég er sammala seinasta ræðumanni.

Lesbók - Forystugrein:

Skelfing sem ég er orðinn þreyttur á tuðinu í þessum kellingum alltaf hreint.
Það er ekki stundlegur friður fyrir endalausu jarmi um launamisrétti, kúgun og og almennt óréttlæti heimsins í garð kvenna. Íslenskra kvenna! Þvílíkur endemis þvættingur.
Yfir hverju hafa íslenskar konur að kvarta? Það er svoleiðis hlaðið undir rassgatið á þessu hérna. Það eru krúsídúllubúðir og hárgreiðslustofur á hverju götuhorni, þær geta valið úr tískublöðum, sjónvarpssápum, fitubrennslunámskeiðum og fæðubótarefnum. Þær fá bæði að kjósa og keyra bíl.

En nei. Íslenskar konur eru kúgaðar. Þeim finnst þær nefnilega ekki fá nógu vel borgað fyrir það sem þær kjósa að kalla sambærileg störf. Sumsé vinnuframlag þegar frá er talin aukavinnan sem þær ekki nenna að vinna - og að því gefnu að þær séu hvorki óléttar - né á túr.
Þetta er bara rugl. Ef konur eru svona óánægðar með laun sín og kjör ættu þær bara að asnast til að skipta um vinnu, ekki satt? En nei, þær láta sko ekki bjóða sér hvað sem er.
Þau fáu störf sem konur á annað borð hafa nennu til að stunda, altsvo þau störf þar sem þær komast auðveldlega úr til að fara í ræktina - og svo í maníkjúr, hafa þær nefnilega markvisst lagt undir sig með frekju og yfirgangi.

Vinnuveitendur neyðast því til að tæla með gylliboðum í þessi sömu 'sambærilegu' störf karlmenn, sem á annað borð þola samvistirnar við andlitsspartslað, dragtklætt kvennagerið.
Og nú rær þetta hyski öllum árum að því að komast í stjórnir fyrirtækja - finnst það bersýnilega hið eftirsóknarverðasta af öllu eftirsóknarverðu.
Stjórnarseta! Annálaðasta letibykkjudjobb sem fyrirfinnst. Jafnvel hörðustu bissníssnaglar breytast við slíka setu á örskotsstundu í forherta kaffiþambara og kjaftatíkur. Vei viðskiptalífi íslensku ef bannsettar kellingarnar komast þangað inn brjóstfalskar og klaufpilsaðar með lattebolla sína og kjaftablöð.

Svo eru þeir sem voga sér að andhæfa þessari óvinveittu yfirtöku kvensniftanna úthrópaðir karlrembufauskar og vændir um steingerða heilastarfsemi. Huh! Sér er nú hver remban. Ekki erum við vesalingarnir með sérstaka karlakirkju, karlréttindafélag Íslands, karlasögusafn eða moðerfokking Rannsóknastofu í karlafræðum!
Það hefðu nú adeilis heyrst skrækir í horni ef við hefðum haldið Karlafund á Þingvöllum síðastliðið sumar. Karlafundur!? Hvað með uppvaskið? Ætlaðir þú ekki að þvo bílinn? Fékkstu ekki að hitta strákana í fyrrasumar?!
Annars eru einhverjar lopaklæddar rauðrófur að hvetja kynsystur sínar til að leggja niður störf næstkomandi mánudag.

Bravó! segi ég nú bara. Vonandi verður það til frambúðar.

þetta var tekið af forsíðu Baggalúturs

fannst þetta bara vera akkurat !!!

róbert mar



I just love comming home from a successful exam. Then I take all my notes and books and stuff them back on the shelf, some for future reference and others until next semester.

I just finished my end semester in Pharmacology today. And its funny how all this testing and oral examination has had its affect on me. I dont even get that nervous anymore, I just go in do my thing and go home. So far so good.

Then there is the perfectionism part, I really seek for that good grade. I know that sometimes the grade doesnt reflect your knowledge but seeing satisfactory in my little index always makes me think... I dont want to be a satisfactory student or doctor, I want to be excellent.

Funny seeing me write this because often I decide what to learn and what not to learn. Hence choosing what I will remember and stuff that I just dont think is worth it. And sometimes that stuff I dont consider important comes back to bite me in the ass...

I realized that I also like dressing up for these oral exams, it can give such a presence that its hard to fail. (picture is from biochem final last year), I had a little different flavor today.



Little X-mas Party; Check

So our little nation of 295,000 people, were able to man up quite a nice christmas party here in hungary. The plan was for everyone to bring something good to eat and just hang out and have a good time. Instant success...

Only minor problems is that the 2 visiting canines could not get along, poor little Álfur could not stand that fat ugly bulldog running the show. The other minor problem was that people coudl not control themselves once all the food was put out. All you could see is people so stuffed that the could not move.

Stebbi wiped the dust of his violin and played a few all to familiar christmas tunes and the group hummed along.

now i feel that chrismas is close

róbert mar


Bowls Scottish Masters; What the Hell

I must say that this is hardly a sport !!!

I went to the gym today, like most other day´s, but what was different about this day is that on the tv right in front of me there was the most absurd live showing...

Now as the winter season rolls around, I was prepared for some cross countyr skiing, big jump and the cross country biathalon. Which all are real shitty television events, to send this shit out live. give me a break ... Not to forget curling which also is not a real sport.

But this horrible display got even worse today, as I was stuck on the treadmill for 30 mins.

I mean grown men rolling their little balls up and down this carpet. For gods sake this is for old age pensioners, retards and down syndrome sufferers (and I could name many more chromosomal abnormalities for those who are interested).

Get real !! and please stop putting this live on television.
