
Bowls Scottish Masters; What the Hell

I must say that this is hardly a sport !!!

I went to the gym today, like most other day´s, but what was different about this day is that on the tv right in front of me there was the most absurd live showing...

Now as the winter season rolls around, I was prepared for some cross countyr skiing, big jump and the cross country biathalon. Which all are real shitty television events, to send this shit out live. give me a break ... Not to forget curling which also is not a real sport.

But this horrible display got even worse today, as I was stuck on the treadmill for 30 mins.

I mean grown men rolling their little balls up and down this carpet. For gods sake this is for old age pensioners, retards and down syndrome sufferers (and I could name many more chromosomal abnormalities for those who are interested).

Get real !! and please stop putting this live on television.
