
Upcomming Slovenia Trip

My initial plan for the Slovenia Tour will not work out the way I planned. I had mentiond that there would be some snowboard duded guiding us around, but when it came around to me checking all the prices it was just way too costly for eastern europe.

I dont know who those kids thought they were dealing with ???

So basically the new plan is to find a Hostel in Ljubljana in a good location. The price range we are looking at is 20 euro max per nite. I feel no need to save 2-3 euro´s to be all jammed up in a bad location.

From there its all open, I know there are some snow shuttle services that could take us to the resorts, ranging from 30 km the closest to 100km the farthest away. I am sure that will all work out just fine, especially with a group we have the availability to get a small bus just for us.

Rentals are available all over the place...

I welcome all comments and request´s, would much rather hear about them now not when we get there.
