
Booked Trip for 14

I have booked a trip to Slovenia with boardnlodge, the snowboarders.

prices in euros:
165 accomodation 6 nights
60 snow shuttle
115 rentals
100 (estimate) ski pass
14,000 HUF train ticket with return

I think this is a pretty good deal. I had found cheaper accomodation elsewhere but then we would not be able to get the package with these guys. We are going to a new place that we dont know for a short time, so this way we dont need to waste any energy or time in trying to figure out the best places to go snowboarding, eating or drinking.

Now all we have to do is get there, ride hard and party harder...

Slovenia Ride'em Tour members:
róbert mar
elma kani
the fox
dæja systir
tegh sandhont
baby cakes

I booked for more than there are on this list cause there are some maybe´s, comment below to be added to the list...
