

I just love comming home from a successful exam. Then I take all my notes and books and stuff them back on the shelf, some for future reference and others until next semester.

I just finished my end semester in Pharmacology today. And its funny how all this testing and oral examination has had its affect on me. I dont even get that nervous anymore, I just go in do my thing and go home. So far so good.

Then there is the perfectionism part, I really seek for that good grade. I know that sometimes the grade doesnt reflect your knowledge but seeing satisfactory in my little index always makes me think... I dont want to be a satisfactory student or doctor, I want to be excellent.

Funny seeing me write this because often I decide what to learn and what not to learn. Hence choosing what I will remember and stuff that I just dont think is worth it. And sometimes that stuff I dont consider important comes back to bite me in the ass...

I realized that I also like dressing up for these oral exams, it can give such a presence that its hard to fail. (picture is from biochem final last year), I had a little different flavor today.
