
Radiology exam

This was the end of Radiology and I feel Im as smart as this fellow here

I just finished my Radiology exam and hope my score was better than any test this man ever wrote his name on. Its amazing how I will just make sure that I get the bic picture and then I stop studying. Im not saying that I have no dedication to what im doing cause I like it very much. Just when it comes down to mastering every small little detail I just cant make myself do it.

Im going to be looking at images all my life so I felt my responsibility at this time point was to cover the basics and know them well so I have a foundation to build on. We will see what happens and on the other hand the exam was really fair, no complaints there



Neuro Surgery

My task this week is to be intorduced to the Neuro Surgery dept. Im quite thrilled with this field and goes without saying that this is one which has little or no room for mistakes.

For example today I say drilling into a mans skull, for medical purpose of course, to be able to biopsy a tumor. Ontop of this is all the new developments in the technical aspect of this field. I think im going to be impressed by this weeks process.

Tomorrow there is a specialist flying in from Karolinska Institute to do 2 aneurysmal coiling surgeries and of course yours truly will be there front row to keep an eye on events....


this week: Urology

I cant say that Urology was ever a field of medicine that interested me much and after my first day on the ward it stays the same. I do try to attend each and every dept. with an open mind...

I just came home from my monday nite football followed by the monday nite beer with Guzzi and Ljósa. Just a great way to start the week. The highlight of this weeks beer was the creation of "Stanley Mar" a charcter that will be long lived and much laughed at.... Screenwriting will be in progress real soon.

here are a couple of pics from last friday nite...


Dolce with pink gloves...

Logason with old mans hat

loga n mar



No scientific trip...

Yeah, I didnt make it to the trip this friday. Seemed that I had forgotten i had an appointment with my hair stylist at mojo. It is such a ritual I was not even tempted by the free snacks and alcohol.

While at mojo I started to recall some events that we had discussed and the conversation turned into how long we had actually know each other...

It was a little bit hard since I had been his customer before he opened the icelands famous mojo. In the end we settled to early the year 1999.... yeah last century this started. Since then I have had 4 others touch my hair with any thing remotely sharp, which is not that many considering I have lived in Hungary for the past 3 years...

So a date with gummi at mojo is something I take religiously and will not be tempted by any free drinks...

long haired,,


Scientific trip tomorrow..

Tomorrow is going to be one of the infamous scientific trips. For those who are not follwing I will give a briefing on this:

Scientific Trips:
this basically involves one of the bigger companies in Iceland to invite selected student groups, medical students in this case, to come see their company. It starts with an opening drink and then a lecture on the companies status and future plans. Of course we just all sit there and feast on the free servings... which basically ends up as mini drunkfest on the house and then we all heard our selves to a local watering hole. At that time the medical students organization takes over the festivities with discount beverages for the nite...

One thing I cant truly explain is what the company gets out of this transaction, my educated guess would be tax cuts for benificial spendings... could be wrong...


the camera should be on broad tomorrow since the Energy Corporation has one of the most exquisite buildings in all of iceland and of course the followers will be filmed aboard...