
frá afmælis stund með gunnu, til hamingju með daginn ...  Posted by Hello


ladies mark this guy as taken, he´s getting married today, congrats dave Posted by Hello

Dave´s Big Day

hey folks,

i actually belive that i will get more attention on this silly blogg now that people might be dropping in to see the pics i will be posting... hehe

I would like to use the chance to pay my respects and wish Dave and Caroline Weiss a big congratulations on their wedding. today is their big day and i really wish i could be there. especially since i was honoured with the request of being on of the grooms mates.

Spring is here in .hu and i am thrilled. i was actually standing on my balcony in my underwear just a second ago, i hope the neighbors didn´t catch that since we here at the O.C. have definetly been on a better term with them. the wild party last weekend which left digested food down the side of our fine 3 floor building....

robert mar


A tribute to the "lillarnir"

pictures below are just a small insight into the pleasures endured during the 12 day stay of these incredible individuals.

the O.C.

smá höszl hjá lilla, og ekki sá eini þetta kveldið Posted by Hello

MS félagar Posted by Hello

pabbinn að stimla sig inn Posted by Hello

???????? quality check ? Posted by Hello

skyrtan fyrir slit ..., lillin tók sig till þegar leið á kveldið að rífa allar tölurnar í einu handtaki, góður lilli Posted by Hello

3 amigos Posted by Hello

lillarnir saman í góðum gír Posted by Hello

Pabbi með whiskey röddina Posted by Hello

Pictures are IN

I finally learned how to put in pictures on my silly blogg, so now when i have nothing interesting to say I can just throw in some pics that speak louder than words...

yeeeehawhh ...

robert mar

"the American" singing like a bird.. Posted by Hello

a tribute to George Michael Posted by Hello

Joakims on a high note Posted by Hello

Pabbinn og Joakim Posted by Hello

Team Blue Steel Posted by Hello


when i first heard of this creation mentioned i was not so sure. what a kareoke machine made by sony playstation, well since it was made by sony it can´t be worse than any other. A couple of guests comming in from iceland brought news about this machinery.

there was nothing else to do but gather up the appropriate tools to set up this home made singing machine in our very own living room.

And boy !!!!!!!! what great fun. this is propably one of the best party tools ever !!!

as my for my personal experience it was a little different. i have often been walking to school letting my mind wander from dream to dream like bee gathering honey from each of the best flowers. one of these futuristic dreams was me as a singer, like you know, lead man of some band. i had never really found which music was the most appropriate but i could see this happening. i mean the only thing missing is that i had never tried singing, so therefore i thought it might be likely (very likely) that i could but just never tried.

well folks those dream are all down the drain, as i turned out to be one of the worst voices in the singstar medely. I just couldnt hit some notes to save my life and it was almost emberrasing to always being picked last for singstar in team competition...

now i know how those kids felt who always got chosen last for everything :(

But great fun none the least, i strongly recommend to everyone to try out this genious effort by sony playstation.

robert mar


slovkaian dobre

After a little break i return to my keyboard to reflect on the passed events. I just needed some time to let the bruises heal and swellings go down. This snowboarding business aint no joke. I was riding with an excellent crew manned by, the fox, björn the dawg, silverspoon, and occasionally hasan and boggi the baker. It was quite nice all around now that most of the pain has passed. I would imagine that these trips would change as i age but folks nothing changes.
Here is the scenario, the crew is sitting at the top of the mountain, making it all a big playground and looking for obstacles. Something is spotted and you think to yourself, “shit they got to be kidding!” and before you know it one goes hits the stunt. Then all there is to do is follow just a little bit faster and jump a little bit higher. This stunts just repeats itself unitl we stop for lunch or have to go check how serious the injury is.

Growing up, yeah right !!!!!!!!!!!!

I would like to use the oppertunity to thank all of those who joined me on this adventure, to travel with a 17 man posse. Basically that means if we go somewhere the party is there....