
One Day until Patho

Yeah, its comming close to game time. I actually wish that I could just go 2mro to get it over with already. I have been studying 13 days straigh for this thing, hardly leaving the houst to go sweat it out at the gym. Which by the way is the Highlight of the day.

The feeling I have is not like back in the day before big football games, where I would play the game in my head before it ever happened. Cause here there are these X factors that seem to be out of your control.

And quite franlkly to spend this amount of time and money on the thing you care most about and not be able to secure your way is unthinkable.

On the other hand, if im feeling the stess as such I dont know how the rest feels. Cause I have this plausible amount of carelessness that floats me through sometimes.

Im sure I will be able to pull something out of my ass when put on the spot, but its going to be interesting to see how far that gets me this time..