

This weeks clinic is old peoples medicine or the fancy name of Gerontology. I thought this was going to be some crap but the first day turned out to be rather great.

Well to be fair I must throw in the fact that I skipped the first day. Decided to stay home and rest up after the weekend. Had been working a lot and saying good bye to my guest who has been here for 3 weeks.

So today my first treat was to run into Eggert´s dad early in the morning, which was quite the treat. Always so good to see a face that you know when you are wandering around a new place and dont know where to be or what to do...

This week is going to be busy or that is gerontology all week plus 3 evening shifts at the hospital in kef (tues, thur, fri). But that leaves saturday night to sum up the week with a nice party to top it off...

old folks,
róbert mar


Now that X-rays, CT´s, MRI´s and US are behind me I can look forward to more clinical days ahead. This week was really interesting and can I thank my classmates for most of the fun.

It seems that some of the radiologist that they hide down in the basement in a type of quaranteen develop some a rather specific characteristic. Some could easily call boring.

The quote of the week would have to be the introductory meeting in Domus Medica, where one of the heads made this bold statement "the clinic is dead..."

I was quite shocked to hear this even though I had been warned or been told this story from the previous group. How on earth could this guy be so arrogant and even ignorant to speak these words about his collegues work. Even though radiology has been growing a great deal in the United States, in the fear of lawsuits of course, it is by no means rational to say that your experience and gut feeling has no value, even though not very scientific....

I thought at some time that I could consider radiology but this one week did not do that dream any good. Just felt that there was no one there inspiring or marketing this field. At one moment the question was popped "Why do you think no one is interested in Radiology in Iceland, unlike many other countries?"

I for once chose not to specualte verbally about this matter. I guess im getting more and more political with age ???

róbert mar

Iceland Airwaves 2006

Well the weekend is over and must I say that it was a good one. Long and strong the party started on thursday, I had a shift on wednesday, therefore missing the first day of the festival. Every nite was packed with events and biggest problem being which one to go see, I guess not a bad problem to have.

A lot of fresh bands and displays, just having bought the all access pass you allow yourself just to wander around not putting in too much effort into where to be...

I will give a more detailed rundownd of events act by act later...

I will spend no time explaining what the Airwaves festival is cause if you dont know you have been living in a cave for the past 5 years...

This weeks clinic is Radiology, I guess the best part is that the program is only till noon every day...



Ob & Gyn exam

With the least amount of preparation for a final exam ever I enevitably had to show this thing. As explained in my previous posting life has been a little hectic lately. So all this turmoil had a serious effect on my preparations for this final. But with my senseless taste of irresponsibility I at some point figured that I just had to wing this one. I know for an outsider any doctor winging an exam is not a real comforting thought.

So I had no time to study, all I could do after the clinics was sleep and ontop of these two I have no interest in becomming an Ob&Gyn doctor. So if you add up these 3 you get a whole lot of just skimming throuhg notes and books without much serious studying. Im not saying that I didn read, but in comparison to other big exams where i spend a number of days without interuption in preparation this sound highy irresponsible.

I had gathered some info about the exam settings, here goes:
8 different stations, 20 min each and of those:
5 clinical cases oral (14pts each)
2 written questions (10pts each)
1 video with short answer questins (10pts)

max points 100, 50 minnimum.

So in my head im thingking; I have spent 7 weeks there this summer, but that was 9 weeks ago. Then I was like HEY, if I didnt get the take home message in 7 weeks then im just an idiot, so here goes.

I put on a nice shirt and just show up as informed to do. I completely amaze myself, each station better than the next. The written ones were not that great, considering that I did not care to write too much... hihih
Video was of a laparoscopy which was almost a dead give away, not that the professors had any intention of making this really hard.

So with some critical self evaluation I scored 74 points. Now that put a big fat smile on my face because this was a real test of what you can do for real. Real situations where you decide what to do for these women, find out whats wrong and treat them all the way from pregnancy to birth, cancer to cure and etc...

OB&GYN completed, but not my bag Baby
róbert mar

Grilled and Thrilled

Yes, these opening words here above are just that relating to my first day and week on the clinical course at the University of Iceland. It was finally time to make a move to the departments to start my rotation in Internal Medicne.

My first stop for 2 weeks is Nephrology, which seemed ok. Honestly realizing that I didnt remember too to much about the physiological function of the kidneys, considerng that it was right up there in difficulty of the female hormonal cycle. Both costing me long hours of scratching my head and flipping back and fourth in a number of literatures....

The First Day,

It all began with an informatory meeting at 8:30 monday morning, all the big shots from the Internal Departsment where there talking about their aims and responsibilities and of course ours as well. That was a real treat, starting to get the feeling that I will be a real doctor one day. Then off to the dressing room and picking up my white coat. I arrive in the nephrology clinic at about 9:30, walk into the office and introduce myself. My supervising doctor looks at the clock and says "is this how its going to be this winter, showing up at this hour....".
I just start laughing and start explainging my case he could care less but lets it slide. Soon after we start the rounds and questions come pouring over me, kinde like the saying when it rains it pours. I cant answer too many of the ones set before me. A little startled to tell the truth. We come to the second patient and we are listening to the heart. So right there in front of all (Specialst, attending, nurse and patient) I got asked what I hear. I honestly disclose that I didnt hear anything abnormal. I get a suprised look and then asked to try it again. I come up with the same result after another round of spreading the stethoscope all over the patients chest and so does my college who had joined the round at this time, not much to the specialist delight.
"What year are you guys on ??? Have you not been reading anything, this is your main tool as medical doctors..."
I just start laughing, not much else to do in the situation.
"This my young students is an S4 (an extra heart sound), now who knows what that is ?" was the follow up question. I make an educated guess that it has something to do with the mitral valve. As I let these words slip I see yet another disgusted look on the specialists face.
"No gentlemen this is.... and he explained the whole shibang, (for those in the business its a rebound noise made from a stiff left ventricle).

So the round goes on much like this but we became more and more accustomed to the stabbing questions and responded mostly by right/wrong answers and laughter.

That day was really something, but as I walk back to my little apartment just around the corner from the hospital an subliminal feeling rushed over me. I finally felt that after this year ill be somewhat of a doctor. This had always been a dreamlike feeling but now it seemed so real.

So the rest of the week was better and better. Even though I collapesed into the couch everyday after comming home at 16:00. Just the mental stress of no task being effortless just took its toll on me.

To make things worse I had an final exam in OB n Gyn the following friday...

the rookie...

Workshop over

I finished my workshop today in hematology today. It ended with a small exam where you had to identify which disease were presented with the lab parameters and blood smear. It was interesing to be able to apply your knowledge after a 2 day seminar.

I almost feel confident that I could do this in practice and actually make a real diagnosis...

So next on my agenda is to prepare for the Ob & Gyn exam, which is going to be on friday. The only problem with this is lack of motivation and not knowing what is expected of me, again.

I hope to get some inside info about this exam so I can prepare better or to be able to find some motivation. Then again I spent 6 weeks at the department this summer so I would think I know the basics.

There are going to be ten stations, some oral, some with patient and some written. Plus class participation is going to be valued...

róbert mar


Thanks to Everyone...

I want to thank everyone for their best wishes on my b-day today...

the was a little busy and I was not able to reply to all. Started off by fixing my car which I was rather proud of myself for doing. Just to imagine after 27 years I was barely able to identify the differnt parts of the engine, but after the latest car fixing I learned enough to be able to save the day.

Then an evening shift at the hospital..

Im sure glad to be home and have my big bed waiting for me... its a little empty but that spot will be filled soon...

róbert mar


Happy B-day Me

Yes this day 27 years ago my very young mother gave birth to me... wow to imagine that I have been bouncing around this earth for all this time.

Well people cant say that I have been wasting too much time not doing anything. I think my list of adventures, accomplishments and screwups is far beyond what some people dream of and frankly could die happy about...

To this memorable one I got an early b-day present. Situation was I was driving home from work last nite in terrible rain and cold. I have just arrived into the heart of Reykjavík and my lovely 95´WV station breaks down again... SHIT

I was lucky enough to be able to push it across a huge intersection without being killed and put it in a good spot. These things always happen at the best times...

All I could do is smile and walk home in the cold rain only to open up a cold beer to go with it and smile some more. Things could definetly have been worse...

happy b-day to me !!!! jibbí

b-day boy
róbert mar


Success at the Cancer Center...

I have served all my services required by the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Iceland. As I noted in my last blogg the cancer center was my last stop in the rotation.

So there I was ready to get my demonstration in the Pap smear. I was expecting to spend most of the day in the waiting room thinking that the women had no interest in having me in the room. But much to my surprise and enjoyment the older women were much more understanding. So I was able to be there about 70% of the time, which is just great.

"He has to learn one day the young one..." was a popular line this morning. I just smiled and prepared the sample taking.

Sure enough I had tons of questinos and so the exams were a little bit longer than expected or the schedule allowed.

Long story short i took my samples and fondled some breasts... checked off my list and now i should be getting ready for the final exam.


Icelandic National Cancer Institute

Its 8 o´clock in the morning and I just finished my cheerio´s breakfast. Making my preparations for my last day of the Ob & Gyn routine. While I was there this summer the cancer search center was closed. So now im making up the last day of the program.

I will spend the day with a specialist at the center, which means taking Pap smears and mammograms all day...

I bet these women are just dying to meet me there and letting me retreive a handful of cells from their cervix and squeezing their breast between two cold metal plates in the mammography.

i already know what the story is going to be, but after having spent 7 weeks at the department, there is nothing I take personal anymore. All I want out of this is just to be able to do a few samples and pictures for myself, since im going to be a real doctor one day.

I will give you the real scoop once this is over .... My experience in the past is that the ladies are not very fond of a young handsome doctor any where close to them in this situation. Amazing how good looks can take away your professionalism.

the young dr
róbert mar



I have decided to go agains the mainstrem in computers and got an Apple MacBook...

This machine is by far one of my cooles gadgets I have but it seems that its going to have a slight price. That is after having been working with a PC for so many years there was so much I knew about it and the operating features. But now with a new system its going to take some time to get up to full speed and be able to capitalize on all the new features. But after having read through the manual it´s gonna be quite worth it.

At the same time a little strange to be close to a startes capability after having graduated with a programming degree on a PC. I do have the option of running an Windows system on this machine but Im definetly going to give this new one a run for the money.

Its just that after being introduced to the Ipod back in the day, I started to see the mindset of the apple company. Must say that I was much impressed and that was one of the reasons i made this decision.

After a trip to the apple dealer here in Iceland, with the intention of inquiring about the problems with the compatibility with other computes especially other PC´s which there are few to none. The salesman just showed me this MacBook, after that it was all over. I had to have one of these and like most things I have to have I get ...

mac róbert mar