
the weekend...

Wow, time is starting to fly here in Iceland. Must admit that the first months seemed a little slow. I guess it was just all these new things going on and I had to be so attentive. But now things have settled quite a bit, the first test is out of the way, i learned my role at my jobs, my apartment is almost how I want it to be.... So in other words things are good.

And its another friday again, which is quite pleasing. I dont have any serious plans yet but everything is open. I will tomorrow go and get my couch and bed for my apartment, which is the last strings to be pulled in that situatin. My lovely little bro is going to assist me in this.

I should be starting to seriously prepare for my Ob&Gyn exam which is on the 13th of october... In that case im doing that right now, Im at the Icelandic National Library writing this message and about to pull out the notes and go over...

Another treat for the weekend is that I will get my new computer. I have been without one all summer or since i got back home and it has been difficult at times. Maybe that will make me appreciate having one even more...

But I decided to void from the norm and buy a apple computer...

róbert mar


a little sponge, for some color...

Graveyard shift

Here I am at 6 o´clock in the mornign still awake from the previous day. I was called today and offered to take an nite shift here at the nursing home. I just couldnt say no, since I need the money and that the official clinic at the hospital has not started.

Im also a little bit greedy on capitalizing on my tax free income limit this year. Every month you collect a bonus that you can work for tax free. So all my months from the beginning of the year have been adding up, but the catch is that at new years this sum is cleared. So now im making a big effort in baggin all this bonus...

So to justify this act, I claimed to use the nite to study... but sure enough i did not open the book once and im not going to a single lecture tomorrow...

that is my story....

late nite,
róbert mar

p.s. i promise to start putting in pictures once I get my laptop, seems the visits are much more when the blogg is more picturesque. Maybe no surprise that people who dont know me want to read this


First one at Lecture today

For those who know me academically know that lectures are not my main way of information gathering. That is partly due to poor perfomance and language abilities of some professors in Hungary. But even here in Iceland I have been lazy to make the effort and prefere to study when Im in gear...

To the teachers defense here in Iceland, i give them a much higher grade for performance and especially an A for effort. They really care about teaching us what they know.

So now at the start of a 2 week long session of lectures in surgery and medicine, I decided to show some color. So I was the first one there today, before anyone else. Even so early I considered that I was in the wrong location...

But at one o´clock the attention had run out and i left early, lectures were scheduled through 5 today. But im dedicated to build up stamina for the up comming lectures.

Plus I have to start preparing for the Ob & Gyn exam on the 13th of October...

the listener,
róbert mar


Back on my Wheels

Yes, I never thought I would be so glad to back under the wheel of my 95' VW Golf station. But since thursday it has been just a real treat. Sure enought the transmission gave out on my a week ago, this hellatious sound was just screaming from the gearbox.

I knew that this sound was not up to any good and could not imagine having the damn thing break down in Reykjavík somewhere being shit out of luck. So I started working on getting a new gearbox, which is quite interesing. I say interesting because you start to deal with people who you are not used to and frankly dont know exist. Here im talking about junk yard folks... a special breed.

My main ended up being Jan, a proud polish junk yard owner in Keflavík. His icelandic not exactly up to par but i got the message through that I needed a new gearbox. I start running around the lot which contained numerous piles of cars . As im tippy toing around the lot in my flashy white nikes and expensive jeans avoiding puddles and mud.

Sure enough in one of the piles was a car like mine with a transmission, Jan the Polishman informs me that i can have it for kr.20,000 which is about $300. I said that I would take it and start thinking of my next move, how to get it into my car. As im pulling out of Jan´s junk yard, i hit the brakes and pull back in. Drop the offer to Jan, the gearbox and the switch over to my car for kr. 40,000 and that was the end of it...

In the mean time I had borrowed my mom´s old car which is in the process of being sold, a 99´Jepp Grand Cherokee, a pretty nice ride which I had adjusted to. But just the freedom of driving my own again was quite the thrill. If I crash, loose, scratch or whatever its solely my problem... love the independence....

junk yard,
róbert mar


ENT is over...

Amazing just 3 weeks into the semester and already one subject done with. Or not really done, but the 2 week clinic is left and then the practical part of the exam.

But to have covered so much information in the first 3 weeks is pretty good. The clinic is where all of the real learning is going to take place.

Now to my first exam at the University of Iceland, didnt know what to expect. In the end it was totally fair. For my sake I could not have scored too much higher with the information I had prior to the test.

To celebrate I met up with a few collegues at café Óliver...

róbert mar

ENT is over...

Amazing just 3 weeks into the semester and already one subject done with. Or not really done, but the 2 week clinic is left and then the practical part of the exam.

But to have covered so much information in the first 3 weeks is pretty good. The clinic is where all of the real learning is going to take place.

Now to my first exam at the University of Iceland, didnt know what to expect. In the end it was totally fair. For my sake I could not have scored too much higher with the information I had prior to the test.

To celebrate I met up with a few collegues at café Óliver...

róbert mar


Test Next Week

Wow its already creeping up another test... after past june I didnt want to see another exam, test or quiz for the rest of mylife due to a highly stressful exam period.

But here it goes again, I will take my written test in ENT next wednesday. The preaparations are going well I think, not really sure what is expected. I mean i have an idea of what is going to be on the test. I will do as always just making a good plan and sticking to it. That should be enough for this little thing. The written part will be 70% and the practical 30% examined later on...

Im back on the shift at the nursing home picking up some extra cash. I will be here one and one shift this winter ontop of my other job at the Hospital. This job is a real piece of cake compared to the run arounds at the hospital. So its pretty much just a little time out, I get hot meals, computer with internet, a little experience and I get paid. not the worst deal... especially since all the practical work with school has not started yet...

I have it a lot easier than the other kids in my class, since i dont have to take the Clinical Biochemistry test on monday, boy was i glad about having checked that one off the list ;)

róbert mar


Keflavík Hospital

Yes, you read it here first ... I have a new job to work with school. The contract has been signed, I will be working a 30% position as a nurse in the hospital in Keflavík. As soon as i move away from my little home town to the big city I get offered this position, which i couldnt say no to.

So here I am tackling yet another challange and learning new things. Its gonna be quite interesting when I finally get my doctors license and start working in a hospital as a doctor I will have worked every position except for the cleaning. That also gives me tons of experience but also the hospital work from every possible angle...

The work here is quite interesting and I will be learning alot. From all the basic things of nursing like drugs, needles and bandage replacement I also have the chance to follow and ask the doctors all kinds of questions about the patients.

Another bonus working here is that I get to meet so many doctors, who I will be able to call for advice once i get my first assistant doctor position...

nurse man
róbert mar


LJósanótt, late entry

Ljósanótt, or nite of lights is the biggest festival in my little home town of Reykjanesbær, formerly Keflavík. It has been going on for the past 6 years and getting bigger each year.

So this year was no exeption and I had to be there since I was on the island. The first few steps were difficult since my health from the previous nite was not top knotch. But me and my little bro sat at home pounding beers until I was up running and time to hit the town.

The town was packed like ever before and I met all the people i dont get to see. Hugs and kisses all around, with loads more drinking into the night and morning...

A great nite all in all, even though i was stumbling back to the house around 10 in the morning....

lite nite
róbert mar


first week was fast...

First week of school went really fast, not the time spent sitting there listening to lectures, but everything was new. And when things are new you have so many things to pay attention too.
Luckily all of the first classes are held in the same room so I dont have to spend time being lost, just the first day.

The end of week one was ended on a nice party. First there was a class party, not group party like in Debrecen, but the whole class which is only 40 people. Then off to Pravda, a club in downtown Reykjavík where there was the initiation for the first year. We showed up a little late so I have no idea who is on the first year and not....

Ironic thing is that i shoe up to the party without a jacket because the weather was just so great. Then as we start to head downtown to the other party I feel a little chill and decide to come by my place and pick on up. I do so and no problem, cause I knew that later one I would freeze my ass off. Sure enough at Óliver I was burning up and decide to take off the jacket and rest it on the nearest cahir. Then of course when it comes time to go to the next place, NO JACKET !!!!

róbert mar