
Litlu Jólin '05

Jæja nú fer að nálgast jólin og hin árlegu litlu jól verða haldin á O.C. næstkomandi föstudag,
02 Desember klukknan 20:00, Vásvari Pál 14 (haldið inni bjölluni)

Þannig er að húseigendur sjá um drykk og áhöld og allir koma með e-h gott að borða. Við hér á O.C. hvetjum til þess að fólk búi til e-h gott ef það hefur tækifæri eða hæfni til. Og ef ekki mæli ég bara með því að fólk kaupi e-h fallegt í búðinni.

Mælum með:
brauðréttum, kökum, smá kökum, laufabrauði, nammi og öllu sem minnir okkur á jólin. Jóalöl væri skemmtilegt ...

Vænti þess að litlu jólin í ár verði aðeins stærri í ár þar sem að íslendinga sveitin stækkar og stækkar. Hvet alla til að mæta tímanlega.

Ho ho ho,
róbert mar


Booked Trip for 14

I have booked a trip to Slovenia with boardnlodge, the snowboarders.

prices in euros:
165 accomodation 6 nights
60 snow shuttle
115 rentals
100 (estimate) ski pass
14,000 HUF train ticket with return

I think this is a pretty good deal. I had found cheaper accomodation elsewhere but then we would not be able to get the package with these guys. We are going to a new place that we dont know for a short time, so this way we dont need to waste any energy or time in trying to figure out the best places to go snowboarding, eating or drinking.

Now all we have to do is get there, ride hard and party harder...

Slovenia Ride'em Tour members:
róbert mar
elma kani
the fox
dæja systir
tegh sandhont
baby cakes

I booked for more than there are on this list cause there are some maybe´s, comment below to be added to the list...



New info on Slovenian Ride´em

Some more info

Rentals for the week (board, boots n bindings) 115 euros

Snowshuttle to various resorts 60 euros

Accomodation offer was 105 euros (waiting on new offer from snowboard dudes, their initial was 165 euro)

Train back and fourth 14,000 HUF (even though Mr. Maple has been appointed head of transportation for the Slovenian Tour, he will be looking into getting a bus !!!)

Ski passes estimated at 20-30,000 HUF

Now all there is left is how much food you need in your belly and how much alcohol you need to keep warm....


Kodak Moments from last years Trip

Like I said, "just kodak" no need to describe...


News from Alabi Hostel in Slovenia

Hi Robert.
Thanks for your interest for ALIBI HOSTELS.We can offer you, and to your group, beds in our central ALIBI HOSTEL,address CANKARJEVO NABREZJE 27, top spot in old part of town by river.Price would be 15 EUR per person per night in a dorm room, or 25 EUR perperson in a double bed room (linen, towel, taxes and free internet included).

It is possible to arange transportation for you to the mountains.Best regards, ALIBI HOSTELS staff

check out for more info and pictures.

guys I think this is going to be us in February

róbert mar

Upcomming Slovenia Trip

My initial plan for the Slovenia Tour will not work out the way I planned. I had mentiond that there would be some snowboard duded guiding us around, but when it came around to me checking all the prices it was just way too costly for eastern europe.

I dont know who those kids thought they were dealing with ???

So basically the new plan is to find a Hostel in Ljubljana in a good location. The price range we are looking at is 20 euro max per nite. I feel no need to save 2-3 euro´s to be all jammed up in a bad location.

From there its all open, I know there are some snow shuttle services that could take us to the resorts, ranging from 30 km the closest to 100km the farthest away. I am sure that will all work out just fine, especially with a group we have the availability to get a small bus just for us.

Rentals are available all over the place...

I welcome all comments and request´s, would much rather hear about them now not when we get there.



Ten Things I Love

As I sit here at home nursing a hangover in my pajamas listening to icelandic radio on the internet. I started to think about things that I love, funny comming from a man who has never been in love. But here goes the list, in no peticular order.

  1. Dinner is ready when I come home.
  2. Fresh bed sheets, specially those that have been dried outside
  3. The feeling of satisfaction after a good workout
  4. My dog
  5. The snooze button on my alarm clock
  6. My ipod
  7. Good ideas
  8. Traveling to new places
  9. Women
  10. My family

that is my list for now....
