
new adventure...

robert mar wanted us to notify all of the great viewers of this site that he will be away for a week. his drive for adventure has pushed him on the mountain trails of the Tatry mountains. robert mar promises many interesting thoughts and adventures as he pushes his ability in the fight with mother nature and fellow mates accompanying him on this adventure.

from the office of robert mar we thank you for your patience.


feminism continued ... 2

this is a continuation of the discussion found in the feminsim article published earlier...

I appreciate all of the good comments recived. at this time i would like to ask another difficult question. that is if we continue to fight for equal rights where does that lead us too. it must be mathematical business equation that if women´s wages rise up to that of men in all professions, where does the money come from? can companies raise their prices and tell the population; oh dont worry all of this money is going to raise our payment to all of our women. i dont see that being excepted ?
in continuation, since this plan is not really realistic there is the more reasonable alternative, that is lowering the men´s wages. I am not a parent, revern og school teacher but still im convinced that most of our daily problems are a result of mothers and fathers not being there for their childen. women fighting on the working market in their fight for positions, wages and rights. at the same time fathers not making enough money to support his family, as his wife stays home with the childen ???

who is the real winner here ???

feminsist ?


"How do you like iceland ?"

this famous question quite often used by iclelanders inquiering about how foreigner see our little frozen tundra that magnificantly turns into green fields and endless daylight in the summer.

this repeated question is also the name of a documentary made by some brittish producers. it was really interesting to see how foreigners actually see this overpriced, moon like landscape, independent little island.

im not sure this is the actual part from the documentary i saw, but interesting none the least.

i have contacted the tv about appropriate links or possible downloads and will that in as soon as i get further info.

robert mar


Going home or where is home ??

im going back to hungary in 2 days and im really excited about going back. maybe not to get back into the thick text books but to start off the school year with a trip. this its going to be snowboading in slovakia, i really hope that slovakia is going to hit my wallet a little softer that the frenzy in italy last year. man those italians are styling, i never saw a noname anything and all was designer wear.

i said good bye to my work mates and the old folks who live at my work place. it would be interesting to caclulate the statistics of old folks who remember me and percentage of dead. im not sure anyone will recognize me when i get back. no biggie, i did my duty in saying farewell. my favorite saying was "well if you are still alive in june we will meet again."

robert mar


money, money, money

iceland, my home soil, must be one of the most expensive places in the world. actually it is looking at the tourism guide; from one to three Tokyo, Oslo, and Reykjavík.

i have been feeling the dent in my wallet on my resent stay, this is partly due to the fact that i am used to the generous pricing found in hungary. but i also belive that my living standard has risen up some levels as a result of the hungarian prices.

i like to give an example, last saturday i was tsjilling at a bar with an old friend enjoying miller geniuine draft a.k.a. MGD for a whopping $8.75 (1500 HUF, 500 Kr.) that is just ridiculous. that is just insane pricing considering the fact i am a former bar owner and know the service fee put on by the bars. not only is it the bar who is jacking the price but the government is the main player here taxing all alcoholic bevarges an outrageous amount.

it has been brought to their attention that just this factor is keepint lots of tourists away from visisting... its a known fact that tourists like to drink and frankly there is lots of people who just flat out drink at home or away from home. it will be interesting to see if the government will do anything to decrease the tolls and taxes on alcohol after this has been pointed out by the media.


the passing away...

it seems that i can´t leave work for any amount of time withoug someone dying. just today when i returned to work the first message i got was that one man had passed away yesterday. i was not completely shocked considering the fact that all persons here are old and weak. in some ways it is good to know that people pass in a good way, by that i mean fall asleep at night and don´t wake up.
this may sound strange to those who don´t work in this field but im getting a real touch of the beginning and end of life as we know it...

the upside to this story is that upon arrival today the first i heard was info about this passing. because last week i had been back one shift and only on the second shift back i was informed about another man´s passing away. i was not pleased with this lack of communication and let it be heard.



Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.


i have long thought and wondered what aims a group who calls themselves feminist is ? till this day i don´t really have a clue ? what i will share is how i see this group today, my opinion is only my own and slightly contaminated by male shovanistic views.

here goes...

the group discussed here is consists mostly of women who want to make a stand and fight for the equal rights of the sexes. which as an idea looks great, almost as great as the communism looked on paper. the problem here as elsewhere is that people in their essence seem to fight for their own right and are ready to step on anyone in their path. once on the move it looks much like the horse and carriage where the horse sees none of the dangers to either side, where it wears the one way blinds. this is similar to how the hardest feminist see only their own rights and benefits. to clearify i will state a well understood example:
the "blonde" - a concept that all feminist give the evil eye at all opurtunities, their fights has to been aimed at banning "blonde jokes" and so on. this sounds really strange to my ears. if i allow myself to relate to the natural sciences on this on for a quick second, blond hair reflects more light and can be seen in a longer distance compared to any other color available. our eye senses nothing else then reflections of light rays at different wavelengths. women have know this for a long long time and have used this to their advantage in getting attention. this attention has brought many women what they wanted...
in contrast there is a small town in iceland, Hafnarfjörður, wich has been the center of all jokes in iceland. just take and blond joke and replace the blond with "hafnfriðingur" and there you have it. the people have of hafnarfjörður have dealt with this for many years, but how many have moved to other towns because of this, 0. yes, that is big fat zero. one might wonder why these people are not getting away from this small town that brings them all this prejudicism ??? maybe because these are only jokes and no thinking man actually thinks that these folks are dumb. these folks have made no attempt to ban these jokes for any reason.
one might ask what is the difference between these two cases and quite frankly i don´t know ???

with today´s science available at all hair salons any person can select a haricolor to their taste. why is blond the most used hair color ???

Feminists who claim to be fighting for the equal rights of the sexes seem not to care one bit for todays citcoms on our televisions. series like, simpsons, king of queens, love and marriage, the drew carrey show and according to Jim. here the message seem to be clear, MEN are stupid, fat irresponsible and dumb. the oldest series in this listings is the simpsons and homer simpson needs no introduction.
Now ask yourself have you ever heard any objection to these tv series ???

i personally have never ever even seen an article much less read one that objects this male image. why i ask myself again, because men don´t care ! what would be the point, not to enjoy the entertainment available or to avoid the danger of imitating these fictional characters ???

i see no point in fighing this.

maybe this fight is yet to be fouht by the feminist, maybe this is just at the bottom of their pile of "shit to do"?

it just seem crystal clear that the true aim of this group is distorted and its equality is lost ...

i welcome all comments from supporters and especially those who oppose.

robert mar


simple philosophy, "I don´t feel like it" or "ég nenni ekki"

robert mar has resurfaced from his underground layer and would like to publish one of his philosophical ideas, as of now this is a new idea. in the case that someone else published this idea in some great magazine that robert mar has not read or seen yet, then two minds work alike

here goes....

in a certain period of robert mar´s life he didn´t feel like doing much but has some idea that he must do somethings to make his life better. he made out a plan that would give his life structure and fulfillment. as a working man, in job that was just enough to pay the bills, getting up early in the morning was one of the things he did not "feel like doing". with true hardship he got up anyway. the days were some long and hard and robert mar didn´t "feel like doing" what he was doing. the day came to an end and he wandered his way home, upon arriving home the next thing was on his agenda was a trip to the gym, this was another "don´t feel like doing". he pushed himself even harder to go. then after returning from the gym it was time to spend with friends, to replenihs the social needs he dearly needed. but at that time he was dead tired after getting up at crack of dawn, working hard for 10-12 hours and a trip to the gym. it was another case of "don´t feel like doing", he picked himself up and went out only to return back even more tired and wore out.

the strangest thing with all of these events, robert mar closed his eyes a happy and fulfiled man and the end of the day....

so to sum up these maybe not so clear event; all of the things that robert mar concidered at one point a "don´t feel like doing" thing were all things that made him a happy man. this states that all of us deal with some kind of "self destructive" mechanism that will appear in the shape of lazyness and disinterest or any other negative form.

robert mar feels that any persons understanding and application of philosophy is to better the human kind.

and in any way possible to copyright these words of wisdom.


maður ræður víst ekki hvað maður er fæddur...

keflavík, ég veit ekki hvað skal segja um þetta place. allavega er staðan þannig að ég er búinn að vera vinna eins mikið og ég get til að afla mér fjárs. og allt bendir til að allur sá peningur sem ég vinn mér inn núna gufi upp með öllum hinum þúsundköllonum og ég mun halda þessu bassli e-h áfram þangað til ég fæ e-h allmennileg laun.

en málið með keflavík, það var fjölskyldu boð á föstudaginn. allt gott og blessað með það út að borða og drekka. en til að gera langa sögu stutta fer ég með nokkrum fjölskyldu meðlimum niður í bæ til að tjékka á stöðonum. fer fyrst á bar fyrir fullorðna og nenni að sjálfsögðu ekki að hanga þar. svo ég færi mig annað stað sem kallast traffic. um leið og ég kem inn sé ég að ekki er allt með feldu... það var þriðji hver maður svartur og ekki nokkur maður talaði íslensku. það var algjörlega minni 9 ára reynslu í USA sem ég gat reddað mér.. herinn var búinn að taka yfir fokkin staðnum.

og núna atriði númer 2, feitt fólk ??? hvað er í gagni á íslandi. eru stelpur að sprauta sig með hamborgar tilboði fyrir svefnin. ég geri mér grein fyrir því að átröskun og anorexía eru vandamál hér á landi eins og annar staðar. en ég hef sjaldan séð eins konar söfnuð að feitum kellingum... það munaði engu að ég fór að reikna BMI á staðnum. en það var ekki þörf á því, því að því feitari sem stelpan var því meira skinn var hún að sýna.... sjitt.
það er eins og þetta fólk kaupi bara eina stærð til að fylgja tískunni þó svo að það sé búið að útvaxa hana fyrir löngu...

ég get ekki skrifað upp á þetta, en fyrir mína collega þá er mikið verkefni fyrir hendi því margt þetta lið er að deyja úr spiki.



first time for everything ...

robert mar has decided to join other fellow nerds and dorks who feel it is neccissary to share their thoghts and daily routine for any of those who care. its his intention to write fullfilling memos about thoughts and adventures he encounters in everyday life and dream analysis. emphasis will be on content, humor, and not spelling or political correctness. stories and memos published here will not be for sensitive readers or any persons who like taking offense and holding grudges for a long time. memos will be published as often as he feels the need to express himself but also enough to be worth your time to check in often for some enlightenment. robert mar wants readers to acknowledge that if the memo seems to long for some lazy eyes to read, that is just more the reason to read it because it must be something good. robert mar will do everything in his average human power to make sure that all memos posted will be of some interst. a wide range of topics and ideas are soon to appear on this electronic journal and robert mar appreciates all comment and feedback.

memos will appear in english and icelandic, for those of you who don´t speak icelandic tough!

at the present time robert mar is in deep mediatation in his underground layer waiting for the first memo to reach his conscience....

p.s. robert mar would like to thank all of those who take time out of their day to dive into another man´s life and mind.