
simple philosophy, "I don´t feel like it" or "ég nenni ekki"

robert mar has resurfaced from his underground layer and would like to publish one of his philosophical ideas, as of now this is a new idea. in the case that someone else published this idea in some great magazine that robert mar has not read or seen yet, then two minds work alike

here goes....

in a certain period of robert mar´s life he didn´t feel like doing much but has some idea that he must do somethings to make his life better. he made out a plan that would give his life structure and fulfillment. as a working man, in job that was just enough to pay the bills, getting up early in the morning was one of the things he did not "feel like doing". with true hardship he got up anyway. the days were some long and hard and robert mar didn´t "feel like doing" what he was doing. the day came to an end and he wandered his way home, upon arriving home the next thing was on his agenda was a trip to the gym, this was another "don´t feel like doing". he pushed himself even harder to go. then after returning from the gym it was time to spend with friends, to replenihs the social needs he dearly needed. but at that time he was dead tired after getting up at crack of dawn, working hard for 10-12 hours and a trip to the gym. it was another case of "don´t feel like doing", he picked himself up and went out only to return back even more tired and wore out.

the strangest thing with all of these events, robert mar closed his eyes a happy and fulfiled man and the end of the day....

so to sum up these maybe not so clear event; all of the things that robert mar concidered at one point a "don´t feel like doing" thing were all things that made him a happy man. this states that all of us deal with some kind of "self destructive" mechanism that will appear in the shape of lazyness and disinterest or any other negative form.

robert mar feels that any persons understanding and application of philosophy is to better the human kind.

and in any way possible to copyright these words of wisdom.