
Playing Doctor

After all those doctor games I played as a kid now is time to do it for real... Yes, all the exam business is over and I could not be any happier about. This exam period like many others it takes a few days to get back on the ground to realize that its actually over.

So my next project will be playing doctor at the hospital in Reykjavík, the orthopedic department to be more exact. Im really looking forward to this challenge. I do realize that im going to be doing a lot of "first´s" this summer and im up to it. I was lucky to land this job at this department, I find it very interesting and have some experience from Hungary.

This particular department is also very doctor junior friendly, that is I wont be stuck on the ward taking care of paperwork but I will experience all sides of the field within the hospital from the ward, out patient, operations and shifts. It is going to be quite busy, I heard that the student who filled this spot last summer really had to work for it. Im all for it.

So tomorrow I will get a quick run around and know who to call when im at a loss :)

I will be reporting more on this adventure as soon as it happens.

doctor junior