
Back in the OR

Yes, I have started assisting in surgeries at the Orthepedic Clinic again. I started doing this last year second semester and really enjoyed it. But last semester I did not have much time due to the research project I was working on, but since that has been put on hold I figured it was time to get back to the OR.

Im taking surgery at the moment at the 2nd dept of Surgery, their specialty is thoracic. Some students have been going there to watch surgeries, but not much action there. So I decided to get back to my old place, the doctors there are getting to know me and I will have a good chance of actually doing some interesting things.

The Basics Surgery Technique (BST) course im enrolled in at the moment is giving me some additional confidence where I can actually ask to do more in the real situation.

Today I was really impressed by the new technology they were using. To give a brief description, they are starting use a computer program that uses GPS technology to analyze the position of the leg before a total knee replacement and then guiding the surgical cuts and implants into the correct position. Two electrodes are implanted in the femur and tibia, then various points are mapped giving the program reference points to map out the structure of the bone.

Basically this equipment was propably designed by the army first, then innovated to prepare for robotic surgery. The robotic surgery has now been put on hold due to some calibration problems in clinical trial. Basically the idea was to have for example a doctor in USA doing a procedure in India... So high tech to say the least, which I was really impressed

check out more at

róbert mar