

How is it possible to be too lazy to go to bed ???

Yes, today was a slow day mainly due to last nites events. It seems that I pushed the limits of Jack Daniels and Cola last nite. Losing number of the total drinks... But a good time indeed. then again I dont go out to have a bad time.

It all started at Glussi´s place for an Icelandic grill where I enjoyed good company, food and beers. After that I jumped over to EGO for what I thought was supposed to be Szabi´s B-day party but was mislead, his party being next saturday. But there was indeed a good party going on with Jack Daniels bottels all over the place. There is some major flaw with icelandics and free drinks, we just dont know how to hold back in these seldom situations.

I end up at McDonlads drive thru at 5 in the morning, noted that I only eat that shit while severely intoxicated. On back to my place with the American, Sandont, Raven and Boogzina. First mistake there was not to realize that Babycakes was home and asleep, but since we didnt see his keys on the hanger I autmatically assumed that he was with a lady friend.

Only to meet him today at TB to find out that his sleep was cut short by the obnoxious crowd downstairs.

I peeled myself out of bed before noon to go pick up some pharm notes from the maple only to be at TB at noon, which was just amazing time on a few hours of sleep. Stuck my face in the books until 8 o´clock, starting to feel the pressure of the pharmacology final next thursday.

Im having great trouble remebering all these drug names, but not surprisingly considering the fact that there are about 400 hundred to be noted. Well see how that gets along... ahahahh
