
Læknadagar / Doctor days

This week is the biggest Icelandic doctor confernce of the year and as a upcomming medical student we are invited to join. I was sitting there in the conference center of one of the finer hotels in Iceland when i drifted away and started to think where am I ???

the situation was just a litte funny, there I was sitting among about a hundred doctors at a confernce discussion about the political decions in health care. It was a little surreal, there I was ...

I guess this is what the future with holds. Im just moving closer and closer to my dream of becomming a doctor. As a little kid this was just a dream, like most kids dream of future professions.

It was clear cut when I was five that I was not going to be a fire man running into burning houses, not a police man running after bad guys but a doctor and here I am...


a little cheesy but true