
Back to school Party

Yes, the rain finally cleared up and I seemed to be ready for some partying. Took most of the snow away too and Im really praying for spring to be here..

I just realized today that there were actually 2 back to school parties. I was always waiting for the peeps from my house to show up, they said they were comming. But i never bumped into them. Find out this morning that they were all at EGO and myself at Genius...

Basically I was having good enough of a time not to be looking for another party

here is some visual aid of last nite ;

trucker shake n dapo plus one

ester singstar hit artist

little buttoned down there ...

sandont n Johnny the host

vaka hiding behind Love Guru dancer

reloading with RedBull in hand.. wise move

that all you get for now, more pics later
