
first day on the job...

robert mar was back at work at his old job on monday. it must be reported that mixed feelings were flowing through his body as he got acustomed to the o so familiar situation. some were just like "Oh its so go to be home" and others "who the hell are these people in my house ???". so there are some new faces around and many that have left us for good, hence some passed away.
robert mar´s first task at his old job was what is considered by him as the "shittiest" part of the job, he wants this quote to be all of the explanation following this story. First room he enters he soon realizes that "EXPLORATION" is required. he took a deep breath, doubled up on the latex and begun. for those who dont know what this procedure consists of refer to sentence one of this paragraph and fill in the blanks.

Robert mar thought to himself "its gonna be a long summer" after this he continued on his way.

from the mind of robert mar

p.s. for those of you that prefer the picture story of everything must realize that in this case it is highly inappropriate.